Medicine (Baltimore). 2019 May;98(19):e15200. doi: 10.1097/MD.0000000000015200.
Detection and classification the breast tumors using mask R-CNN on sonograms.
Chiao JY1, Chen KY2, Liao KY3, Hsieh PH1, Zhang G4, Huang TC1,3,5.
Author information
Breast cancer is one of the most harmful diseases for women with the highest morbidity. An efficient way to decrease its mortality is to diagnose cancer earlier by screening. Clinically, the best approach of screening for Asian women is ultrasound images combined with biopsies. However, biopsy is invasive and it gets incomprehensive information of the lesion. The aim of this study is to build a model for automatic detection, segmentation, and classification of breast lesions with ultrasound images. Based on deep learning, a technique using Mask regions with convolutional neural network was developed for lesion detection and differentiation between benign and malignant. The mean average precision was 0.75 for the detection and segmentation. The overall accuracy of benign/malignant classification was 85%. The proposed method provides a comprehensive and noninvasive way to detect and classify breast lesions.
PMID: 31083152 DOI: 10.1097/MD.0000000000015200
유방 결절. 양성 악성 구분.
80케이스 307 이미지.. 얼마 안되는 데이터 량으로 학습을 했는데
결과는 잘 나온 셈인 듯..
mask R CNN 방법
Medicine 지에 실렸다는 것.
Real-time US 에서 Benign, Malignant 는 아니라는 점.
( 하지만 이걸 조금 더 응용하면, 바로 나올 듯. ==> Embedded mask-R CNN (AI technology) on Ultrasonography . )
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